Dear UC Alumni and Friends,

We are pleased to inform that some of our UC alumni have started a regular Monthly Dim-Sum Lunch gathering, as detailed below. You are always welcome to join the chats whenever you are convenient.

安省校友茶敘月會 Dim-Sum Lunch Gathering

You are invited to join your UC alumni for a monthly Dim Sum Lunch.

When: Second Tuesday of every month 10:30am – 12:30pm Eastern Time - Toronto

Where: For latest updates of the location and time, please contact the following person

Contact: Sammas Lau [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]


Note: If you would like to subscribe or change your email address on the UCAAO DimSum Group emailing list, you can click here to visit the update form.

From: Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK (AAO) [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 11:04 PM
Subject: CUHK - Donation Tax Credit from Canada Revenue Agency

This message is sent to the President/ Contact Person of the following alumni associations in Canada
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association (Ontario)
Chung Chi Alumni Association of Ontario
New Asia College Alumni Association of Ontario, CUHK
The United College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association (Ontario, Canada)
The CUHK Part-time Degree Program Alumni Association of Canada
The Alumni Association of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (British Columbia)
CUHK Chung Chi College Alumni Association in Vancouver, B.C.
Vancouver CUHK New Asia College Alumni Association
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association of Calgary


Dear alumni leaders and friends in Canada,

We are extremely pleased to share with you that CUHK has been recognized as prescribed foreign university for donation tax credit from the Canada Revenue Agency. To be eligible for tax credit claim, gifts of any amount of choice from alumni and friends in Canada can be made through the prescribed form from the following website. We shall be most grateful if you could kindly help publicize this news.

Every penny counts and contributes to the development and future of CUHK. We look forward to having your continuous support. If there should be further information you may require, please let us know any time.

Warm regards,

Antonia Yeung
Director of Alumni Affairs The Chinese University of Hong Kong


聯 合 書 院 安 省 校 友 會 本 年 度 之 春 季 公 園 漫 步 將 於 以 下 地 點 舉 行:

地 點:        Edwards Garden (Lawrence East 夾 Leslie)
日 期:        五 月 二十 八 日 (星 期 六)
時 間:        上 午 九 時 半 (請 準 時) 至 十 一 時 半
集 合 地 點:    公 園 停 車 場 (在 Lawrence East 以 南, Leslie 以 西, 由 Leslie 入)

漫 步 後 (約 中 午 十 二 時 半) 於 世 紀 皇 宮 大 酒 樓 茶 敘 ( Steeles East 夾 Warden) 午 膳。 歡 迎 參 加 春 季 賞 花 的 校 友 加 入。 如 只 欲 參 加 茶 敘 者 亦 可。 報 名 請 致 電 下 列 校 友 或 電 郵﹕

黃 文 偉:  電話 905-477-3383
黎 奐 謙:  電話 905-471-2076
雲 鳳 儀:  電話 416-497-0286
電 郵 校 友 會﹕  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


UC College Song
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UCAAO Member Info Change

會員資料更新 Update click

United College CUHK 
聯合書院 is on Facebook

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UC60 周年院慶

10.17 中大創校日

CUHK Foundation Day

 Please click to visit.

UCAAO 2019年度 活動計劃
1. 豬年春茗-- 定於2019年2月21日(星期四) 詳情容後通告
2. 春日公園漫步及茶聚 (Urban Park Walk & Picnic)-- 定於 5月25日星期六上午9:30, 詳情容後通告
2. 夏季燒烤野餐-- 鐵定 6月15日星期六在士嘉堡湯姆森公園 C 區舉行 ( Thomson Park at Brimley & Lawrence 西北角)。 時間11 a.m. 至 2:30 p.m.。
3. 楓葉行-- 暫定九月底舉辦, 詳情容後通告。
4. 周年聚餐暨會員大會-- 於 10月26日星期六舉行, 詳情容後通告。

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