Prof Kao Fund Raising

Inviting your support to Professor Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund


Dear Alumni,

On March 14, 2010, close to 3,000 supporters comprising alumni, staff, students and friends of CUHK all came together to raise funds for the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund at the "Walk with Professor Kao" CUHK Walkathon as a tribute to our much loved former Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charles Kao. We are pleased to share with you the highlights of this auspicious and meaningful event: mms://

We are also here to invite you to join fellow alumni and friends to extend your support to the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund aimed towards awarding and promoting innovation among students, particularly undergraduates in Physics and Engineering, in their intellectual pursuits following Prof. Kao's footsteps.

Help promote the value of scientific research and innovation among young scholars advocated by Professor Kao and pass on his spirit. A designated online donation platform supported by our Office of Institutional Advancement is now open We invite you to take a look and see what a difference you can make to future generations of CUHK students.

On behalf of the University and our students, thank you for your staunch support.


Yours sincerely,

Antonia Yeung
Alumni Affairs Office

For recent activities in honour of Professor Kao at CUHK, please visit



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UCAAO 2019年度 活動計劃
1. 豬年春茗-- 定於2019年2月21日(星期四) 詳情容後通告
2. 春日公園漫步及茶聚 (Urban Park Walk & Picnic)-- 定於 5月25日星期六上午9:30, 詳情容後通告
2. 夏季燒烤野餐-- 鐵定 6月15日星期六在士嘉堡湯姆森公園 C 區舉行 ( Thomson Park at Brimley & Lawrence 西北角)。 時間11 a.m. 至 2:30 p.m.。
3. 楓葉行-- 暫定九月底舉辦, 詳情容後通告。
4. 周年聚餐暨會員大會-- 於 10月26日星期六舉行, 詳情容後通告。

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