*** 8th Oct 2020 ***

In view of the recent tightening public health measures on restaurants (6 people per table and 50 people per event) and the back spike of COVID-19 in recent weeks, it is unlikely that the pandemic can be resolved in near future. The UCAAO committee members have made up a cautious judgment and suggested to postpone the Annual Dinner and General Meeting to next year. During this transitional period, in accordance with Article 8E of Chapter 3 of "UCAAO Constitution" 2009.10.24, the term of the existing committee is required to extend to next year as well.

For the year ended September 2020, all pre-scheduled alumni activities and events were cancelled due to the stringent lockdown law. The UCAAO account has so far been inactive during the pandemic period. The financial remains almost unchanged during the year.

In order to encourage alumni to support and promote the activities of UCAAO, we welcome nomination of new member to join the Executive Committee. If you are interested in participating in the Alumni Association's volunteer works, please let us know.

Thank you for your participation and continuous support in the past and look forward to seeing you ALL as soon as possible.


Sammas Lau


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UCAAO 2019年度 活動計劃
1. 豬年春茗-- 定於2019年2月21日(星期四) 詳情容後通告
2. 春日公園漫步及茶聚 (Urban Park Walk & Picnic)-- 定於 5月25日星期六上午9:30, 詳情容後通告
2. 夏季燒烤野餐-- 鐵定 6月15日星期六在士嘉堡湯姆森公園 C 區舉行 ( Thomson Park at Brimley & Lawrence 西北角)。 時間11 a.m. 至 2:30 p.m.。
3. 楓葉行-- 暫定九月底舉辦, 詳情容後通告。
4. 周年聚餐暨會員大會-- 於 10月26日星期六舉行, 詳情容後通告。

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