*** 活動預告 ***

聯合校友會金豬年春茗 2019.2.21
己亥諸福俱臻至  諸凡順遂已有時

金豬獻瑞報平安  天賜盛世正合宜
聯合校友會謹訂於二零一九年二月二十一日(星期四) 晚假座萬錦市太湖盛宴 Grand Lake Chinese Cuisine & Banquet (地址: 8362 Kennedy Road #8, Markham 新旺角中心) 舉行金豬年春茗 下午六時恭候,七時入席。餐費約每位38元。
(截止報名日期: 二月十八日年十四)

恭請各校友踴躍參加。 詳情及餐劵報名請盡快與 劉高能 (Sammas Lau, 416-290-0847) 或 幹事會 聯絡。  



星期一至五 上午9時至晚上8時
星期六 上午9時至下午6時
星期日 下午1時至下午6時
【In Memory of Professor Sir Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Father of Fibre Optics】
Professor Sir Charles K. Kao, the third Vice-Chancellor, Honorary Professor of Engineering, and Doctor of Science, honoris causa, of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics passed away on 23 September 2018, at the age of 84. CUHK is profoundly saddened and conveys its deepest condolences to his family.
Professor Kao developed the principles of fibre optics in 1966, eventually ushering in the age of the internet. Professor Kao joined CUHK in 1970 as Reader and Chair of the then new Department of Electronics (later renamed to Department of Electronic Engineering), and appointed as the first Professor of Electronics. He was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, by CUHK in 1985. He was Vice-Chancellor of CUHK from 1987-1996. Upon his retirement, Professor Kao was appointed Honorary Professor of Engineering.
Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, said, “Professor Kao was a brilliant scholar and visionary leader in higher education. As the third Vice-Chancellor, he spearheaded the advancement of CUHK in its formative years, laying down a fertile ground for the growth of talents, and made remarkable achievements during his tenure. His impeccable strive for excellence in science and technology led to his groundbreaking accomplishments in the area of fibre optics, which brought forth the development of the internet and opened a new page in the history of telecommunications. Professor Kao’s passing is a great loss to CUHK, Hong Kong, and the global academia. All of us at CUHK will remember his immense contributions to the University and to the world. I sincerely offer our deepest condolences to Professor Kao’s family on behalf of the teachers, students and alumni of CUHK.” Details: bit.ly/2xJFUB1
A place for condolence will be set up in the campus for the public to sign in and record their messages of condolences to pay their last respects to Prof. Kao:
Date: From 24 September 2018 to 24 October 2018
Mondays to Fridays 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sundays: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Venue: University Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin (located at the main entrance of the University Library)
Transportation: A shuttle bus running between MTR University Station (outside Exit A) and the Central Steps


*** 活動預告 ***

本年度校友會週年聚餐暨會員大會將於十月二十日(星期六) 假座
萬錦市世紀皇宫大酒樓 Century Palace Chinese Restaurant
(地址: 398 Ferrier Street, Unit 168, Markham, L3R 2Z5 Ontario) 舉行。(詳圖請點擊世紀皇宫)



詳情及餐劵報名請於十月十六日前與 劉高能 ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or 416-290-0847 ) 或幹事會聯絡。



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UCAAO 2019年度 活動計劃
1. 豬年春茗-- 定於2019年2月21日(星期四) 詳情容後通告
2. 春日公園漫步及茶聚 (Urban Park Walk & Picnic)-- 定於 5月25日星期六上午9:30, 詳情容後通告
2. 夏季燒烤野餐-- 鐵定 6月15日星期六在士嘉堡湯姆森公園 C 區舉行 ( Thomson Park at Brimley & Lawrence 西北角)。 時間11 a.m. 至 2:30 p.m.。
3. 楓葉行-- 暫定九月底舉辦, 詳情容後通告。
4. 周年聚餐暨會員大會-- 於 10月26日星期六舉行, 詳情容後通告。

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