*** 薪火相傳日 立志接棒時 ***

中大聯合書院安省校友會會員大會已於 2023年10月26日晚於士嘉堡鴻福大酒樓完滿舉行, 是晚出席會員校友及親友人數共計52人 (其中出席會員42人)。

是次會員大會除公佈及通過有關會務及財務報告外, 亦是两年一次的幹事會改選, 會議中由黃燕釗校友動議, 林佩儀校友和議, 動議内容包括 :「提名新會長由黎奐謙接任並領導下列15位*現任執委會成員接受提名 (另新增2位新提名幹事**) 繼續留任兩年」會議期間两位新近來多市校友鄉正揚及潘智鍵接受提名邀請, 故新提名執委增加2位, 全部執委會成員亦因此增至17人, 按英文名字先後排序如下:

 張永健 (68 SOCI)
 張振英 (75 ELEC)
 趙仕睦 (78 SOWK)
 馮慶葆 (74 SOCI)
 馮永旋 (77 ECON)
 鄉正揚 (21 SYS ENG) ** (新執委)
 高紫瑛 (74 GPA)
 黎奐謙 (83 SOCI) * (新會長)
 劉高能 (72 BUSI)
 李汝康 (68 ACCT)
 麥汝新 (70 MATH)
 潘智健 (2019 GPA) ** (新執委)
 冼敏玲 (82 SOCI)
 徐綺文 (70 CHIN)
 黃文偉 (78 ELEC)
 王乃文 (68 BUSI)
 雲鳳儀 (72 GEOG)

動議投票結果:全體贊成及通過, 並無反對票。

是次新增的两位執委** 鄉正揚與潘智键分別畢業於2021 System Engineering 及2019 GPA, 可謂年青有為, 他們的加入, 將會為執委會重新注入新的動力與衝勁。





*** 31st Dec 2020 ***

After almost a year of continued disruption from COVID-19 and at the start of a year, I was exhilarated to once again wish you and your loved ones, ALL to have a HAPPY and HEALTHY New Year. Though the pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges in our everyday life, particularly in our daily business, in distance socializing, and curb-side shopping, etc., let’s take heart dear in this joyful time and knowing that we’re ALL UNITED ALUMNI TOGETHER.

Parks, Forestry & Recreations Services of Toronto have informed us that the Priority booking date which typically takes place in early January is postponed. They will notify us once the priority booking date has been determined.

For the monthly Dim Sum Gathering, because of the new high record number of cases for third straight day, the City would only take more measures to implement new restrictions that go beyond the province’s color-coded lockdown system. I believe that restaurants wouldn’t be able to re-open as usual in near future.

By all means, as long as WE’RE ALL UNITED, I heartily in need of any valuable suggestions and opinions from YOU ALL on the future development and direction of UCAAO.

I deeply believe and would like to reiterate that should one stay at home, limits out-going trips only for essentials like groceries, medical appointments or other "necessary trips" and keep number of trips to a minimum and also confines to only socialize with those people you live with. If everyone is practicing in this self-protecting approach, the Community might be able to avoid another devastating mass outbreak.





*** 8th Oct 2020 ***

In view of the recent tightening public health measures on restaurants (6 people per table and 50 people per event) and the back spike of COVID-19 in recent weeks, it is unlikely that the pandemic can be resolved in near future. The UCAAO committee members have made up a cautious judgment and suggested to postpone the Annual Dinner and General Meeting to next year. During this transitional period, in accordance with Article 8E of Chapter 3 of "UCAAO Constitution" 2009.10.24, the term of the existing committee is required to extend to next year as well.

For the year ended September 2020, all pre-scheduled alumni activities and events were cancelled due to the stringent lockdown law. The UCAAO account has so far been inactive during the pandemic period. The financial remains almost unchanged during the year.

In order to encourage alumni to support and promote the activities of UCAAO, we welcome nomination of new member to join the Executive Committee. If you are interested in participating in the Alumni Association's volunteer works, please let us know.

Thank you for your participation and continuous support in the past and look forward to seeing you ALL as soon as possible.


Sammas Lau


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UCAAO 2019年度 活動計劃
1. 豬年春茗-- 定於2019年2月21日(星期四) 詳情容後通告
2. 春日公園漫步及茶聚 (Urban Park Walk & Picnic)-- 定於 5月25日星期六上午9:30, 詳情容後通告
2. 夏季燒烤野餐-- 鐵定 6月15日星期六在士嘉堡湯姆森公園 C 區舉行 ( Thomson Park at Brimley & Lawrence 西北角)。 時間11 a.m. 至 2:30 p.m.。
3. 楓葉行-- 暫定九月底舉辦, 詳情容後通告。
4. 周年聚餐暨會員大會-- 於 10月26日星期六舉行, 詳情容後通告。

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